Serving the people of Gwaenysgor and Trelawnyd

Gwaenysgor and Trelawnyd are two adjacent villages in Sir Y Fflint/Flintshire, in the north east part of Cymru/Wales. They’re served by local councillors on a joint community council.

Latest update

Our next Community Council meeting will take place at 7pm on July 11th at Trelawnydd Memorial Hall.

At the start of this meeting, there will be 30 minutes for Trelawnyd residents to raise concerns or issues with councillors.

Council business

Agendas for each meeting will be available at least three days before the date. The agenda states the venue and start time—usually 7pm. Agendas are also displayed on public notice boards in Trelawnyd and Gwaenysgor.

Minutes are approved at the following month’s meeting. For example, January minutes will not be approved until the February meeting and will be available online after that.

It’s important to know that our Community Council consults on planning applications and makes comments and recommendations to Flintshire County Council. We are not a planning authority and do not decide on planning applications.

Our Community Resilience plan, plus general documents including our code of conduct, diversity and equality policies, financial regulations, and grant awarding polices.

The Trelawnyd and Gwaenysgor Community Council is made up of 9 elected members. Six are from the village of Trelawnyd and three from Gwaenysgor. Our elected County Councillor may also attend meetings.

Get in touch

Direct council business to:

Clerk and Financial Officer
Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community Council

Contact your Community Councillor