Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community Council

About the council

The Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community Council is made up of nine elected members. Six are from the village of Trelawnyd and three from the village of Gwaenysgor. Every Councillor is elected to serve the entire community.


Elected County Councillor(s) also attend meetings. The Council meet ten times a year and meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month, alternating between Trelawnyd Memorial Hall and Gwaenysgor Village Hall.

Members of the public and press are allowed to attend the Council meetings. 10–15 minutes before the start of a meeting will be allocated for residents to discuss with Councillors any matters relating to Council business.

The Agendas for each of the Council meetings are displayed on the notice boards in Trelawnyd and Gwaenysgor, at least three days before the meeting. The Agendas also advise in relation to the commencement time – which is generally 7.00pm, together with the meeting venue. Minutes of all Council meetings will be displayed on this web site, following approval at the subsequent Council meeting.

Declarations of interest

Where a Councillor has a personal interest in any business of the Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community Council and they attend a meeting at which that business is considered, they must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest before or at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent.

With effect from 1st May 2015, all Declarations of Interest made will be published below. The original signed Declaration of Interest, is held by the Clerk to the Council.

Members’ declarations of interest

Financial information

Precept 2024/2025

The Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community precept for this financial year is £26,730. This amount equates to a figure of £62.57 per household on a band D property.

Precept 2023/2024

The Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community precept for this financial year is £26,280. This amount equates to a figure of £61.83 per household on a band D property.

Precept 2022/2023

The Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community precept for this financial year is £24,813. This amount equates to a figure of £59.77 per household on a band D property.

Precept 2021/2022

The Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community precept for this financial year is £23,005. This amount equates to a figure of £54.95 per household on a band D property.

Precept 2020/2021

The Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community precept for this financial year is £22,890. This amount equates to a figure of £54.95 per household on a band D property.

Precept 2019/2020

The Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community precept for this financial year is £22,650. This amount equates to a figure of £53.88 per household on a band D property.

Support available

If you are responsible for paying the Council Tax bill and you are on a low income, there is a special scheme that operates only in Wales. If you are not sure about whether you qualify or how to apply you can either phone the Flintshire Benefits Team on 01352 704848 or see Flintshire County Council’s Benefits Calculator , Council Tax Reduction page. If you’re entitled to Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or the ‘guarantee credit’ of Pension Credit you could get maximum help with your Council Tax. You may be entitled to 100 per cent reduction on your bill, so apply as soon as you can.

Precept 2018/2019

The Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community precept for the financial year 2018 / 2019 is £21,250.00. This amount is precept on residential properties within the community, and equates to a figure of £52.32 per household on a Band D property. There are 34 Town and Community Councils in the County of Flintshire, and the average Band D precept for the County is £44.50, with the highest being £70.29. There are 414 household properties within the Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community area – as at January 2018. The Band D household precept for the Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community Council area, is made up as follows:

Flintshire County Council – £1,169.78
Police & Crime Commissioner – £258.12
Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community Council – £52.32
Total £1,480.22

Precept 2017/2018

The Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community precept for the financial year 2017 / 2018 is £20,650.00. This amount is precept on residential properties within the community, and equates to a figure of £49.33p per household on a Band D property. There are 34 Town and Community Councils in the County of Flintshire, and the average Band D precept for the County is £42.66p, with the highest being £64.58p. There are 418 household properties within the Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community area – as at January 2017. The Band D household precept for the Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community Council area, is made up as follows:

Flintshire County Council – £1,103.55
Police & Crime Commissioner – £249.21
Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community Council – £49.33
Total £ 1,402.09

Community Council Finances

The Community Council accounts and financial policies of the Council, are audited each year by the internal auditor, who is approved by the Flintshire County Council. The accounts are also subject to a further audit by an external auditor, appointed by the Welsh Assembly. The Electors Rights to inspect the accounts and audit report are advertised each year within the community, in accordance with the rules and regulations.

Accounts 2022/2023

Annual Return & External Audit 2022/2023
Accounts 22/23

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Accounts 2021/2022

Annual Return & External Audit 21/22
Accounts 21/22

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Payments (Allowances) to Members of Trelawnyd & Gwaenysgor Community Council

In accordance with Section 151 of the Local Government Measure 2011, Community and Town Councils must publish within their authority area the remuneration received by their members by 30th September following the end of the year to which the payment relates. The information must also be sent to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales by the same date.

Payments (Allowances) 2022/23
Payments (Allowances) 2021/22
Payments (Allowances) 2020/21
Payments (Allowances) – 2015/16

Download archive

Financial Support and Donations

The Community Council welcome applications from the Community for financial support. However, the application must be from a bone fide group, or committee, that at least one or more of the Councillors’ are aware of. There are strict guidelines that the Community Council must adhere to, when considering and granting financial support. Financial support is also granted to organisations and charitable institutions outside the Council area, but these applications must in some way benefit the community.

The Minutes of the Community Council (see separate web pages), provide full details of all applications for financial support that have been granted by the Council. The Minutes also show the various accounts paid by the Council. Further details in respect of applying for financial support from the Community Council, or any other financial information, can be obtained from the Clerk and Financial Officer.

Viewing of accounts

Electors Rights Notice 2022-23
Audit Completion Notice 20-21
Publication of audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021
Electors Rights Notice 2020-21
Electors’ Rights Viewing of Year End March 2020
Electors’ Rights Viewing of Year End March 2019
Electors Rights Viewing of Year End March 2018

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Copy of Accounts


ACCOUNTS – 2018-2019 – As at 31st March 2019
ACCOUNTS – 2017-2018 – As at 31st March 2018
ACCOUNTS – 2016-2017 – As at 31st March 2017
ACCOUNTS – 2015-2016 – As at 31st March 2016

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