Gwaenysgor Village Volunteers
Separate from the Gwaenysgor Conservation Group, “Gwaenysgor Village Volunteers” is a growing number of residents who regularly get together to improve the village’s appearance.
St Mary Magdalene’s Church
A church existed in Wenescol (Gwaenysgor) when the Domesday Book was compiled in 1086. The Normans built a new church, parts of which may be incorporated in the church we see today.
Lôn Capel community herb planter
Gwaenysgor residents installed the first in a planned series of biodiversity planters on unadopted land on Lon Capel, Gwaenysgor. This community project takes unused and unowned spaces and converts them into native wild flowers and herb beds in a new effort to make the village of Gwaenysgor green.
Gwaenysgor Horticulture Group and community garden
The Gwaenysgor Horticulture Group organises events in Gwaenysgor which encourage people to contribute to village activies.
The Warm Hub
A friendly, social, and welcoming morning, where locals meet, catch-up and share.
Well-Fed mobile shop
The mobile shop is open to anyone who wishes to purchase from the wide selection of ready meals, recipe packs and household staples.
Aura mobile library
The mobile library visits Gwaenysgor every third Thursday between 10.50-11.20am and it parks opposite the Village Hall.
Gwaenysgor community choir
The Gwaenysgor Community Choir continues to grow from strength to strength.
Gwaenysgor arts and craft club
A group of artists and crafts people from Gwaenysgor and the surrounding area.
Gwaenysgor Conservation Group
Gwaenysgor has been identified as a conservation village and is within the Clwydian Range Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
Gwaenysgor Village Hall bookings
Gwaenysgor Village Hall is available for private bookings.