Aura mobile library

Aura mobile library at Gwaenysgor Village Hall

The mobile library visits Gwaenysgor every third Thursday between 10.50-11.20am and it parks opposite the Village Hall. The assistant will help you find what you need and can show you how to access resources. Residents can use the current library and or join the library on-board.

The Mobile Library is fully accessible with a lift for people with mobility impairments. Please note that due to the limited space available on-board, the library is not suitable for large motorised wheelchairs.

For further information and a full timetable visit,

Andy Clarke

Often referred to as one of the pioneers of web design, Andy Clarke has been instrumental in pushing the boundaries of web design and is known for his creative and visually stunning designs. His work has inspired countless designers to explore the full potential of product and website design. Andy’s written several industry-leading books, including ‘Transcending CSS,’ ‘Hardboiled Web Design,’ and ‘Art Direction for the Web.’ He’s also worked with businesses of all sizes and industries to achieve their goals through design. His clients have included Disney, Greenpeace, Open University, and WWF.

Well-Fed mobile shop


Gwaenysgor community choir